Dear Friend of the Casa: As the Foundation for the Baptist Spanish Publishing House, we want you to know that we are praying for you in the midst of the current events across the world. During these unprecedented times please be assured that we will remain steady with seeking to fulfill our mission—“to obtain resources for communication of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Hispanic peoples of the world.” Thank you for your belief in the work of the Foundation and your continued support and prayers. May you experience the peace and protection of God as you place your faith in Christ our Lord. Jay P. Chance, President 20th Anniversary of the Foundation March 2020 marked 20 years of the ministry of the Baptist Spanish Publishing House Foundation. Since the beginning, the foundation has provided financial support to enable the Publishing House to produce and distribute top-quality Bibles, study materials, evangelism tracts and discipleship materials of many kinds. These life-changing materials are found all around the world in more than thirty countries where Spanish is spoken. Please consider a gift of $20, $200, or $2,000 to help celebrate this historic milestone reached in 2020. Make your gift now by clicking on this secure link https://www.friendsofcasafoundation.org/give The Foundation had a blessed beginning and continues to have a significant impact on the Publishing House. Articles of Incorporation were filed on March 6, 2000, and the Foundation’s By-Laws were adopted March 30, 2020. Formal recognition by the IRS was received May 11, 2000, through the volunteer efforts of Dr. Burton Patterson. The Articles of Incorporation stress a primary purpose of the newly created foundation—to “create a permanent endowment fund” that would be distributed periodically to support the Publishing House. Increasing since its early days, the Foundation’s endowment is near $1.4 million as of April 30, 2020. This is down since December 31, 2019, due to recent stock market volatility. For years the endowment comprised the Frank W. and Pauline G. Patterson Endowment and the Permanent (General) Endowment. There are now six additional named endowments being funded with two more on the horizon. Thanks to the payout from the endowment and consistent annual giving by faithful donors over the past 20 years, the Foundation has distributed more than $1,107,000 to the Publishing House to support its ministry. We thank God for His blessing of the Foundation these past twenty years! Here is just a sampling of the projects made possible by complete or partial funding through the Foundation:
Theological education books on CD
Bible Fund (to reduce purchase prices)
Economical RVA Bible
Electronic Hymnal
Historical Center at the BSPH in El Paso, Texas
Publication of various homiletics books
Digitizing out-of-print volumes
Volunteers Book Project
Distribution of free scriptures, tracts, etc.
Price subsidies to lower cost of products
Support for the Casa’s operating budget