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Share the blessing…a challenge from Bea Mesquias

Bea P. Mesquías

I am a member of the Foundation Board of the Baptist Spanish Publishing House, also known as Editorial Mundo Hispano / Casa Bautista de Publicaciones, one of the oldest among evangelical publishing houses with 112 years serving Christians.

The BSPH began its work with Dr. Jones Edgar Davis and Mary Gamble Davis, Baptist missionaries from Missouri. They were appointed as missionaries in July 2014 and arrived in Toluca, Mexico in December of the same year.

With the “press fund” they had accumulated ($455), they bought a small printing press, a paper cutter, and some type. Early in 1905 they began to print small tracts and other publications. Shortly thereafter, they received a request to print El Expositor Bíblico and Nuestros Niños. In effect, “Casa Bautista de Publicaciones” had been born.

Nowadays, BSPH continues to promote and teach Biblical values in many countries, with topics such as: leadership, doctrine, discipleship, marriage and family life, and books targeted specifically for men, women, youth and children.

After reading how BSHP began, I can definitely certify that a ministry with more than 100 years of service is well worth supporting.

Someone told me once: “You are what you read.” I kept thinking about this phrase and asked myself, “What am I reading?” Since I became familiar with the BSPH ministry I realized how the books and materials they produce have edified my life and the lives of many. I learned there are many benefits that come from reading. It disciplines you to finish reading the entire book, it helps your concentration, feeds the imagination, makes you grow, and prepares you for success.

Today, I thank God for the life of the personnel that work in this ministry because I have been blessed by reading books in my own language that have edified me. I also thank God because they produce books in Spanish, and I am a witness of how Christian women have been blessed and developed as leaders by reading BSPH materials.

In addition, I have seen how God’s work has been blessed as pastors and leaders that minister in different churches and different places have access to books, New Testaments and Bibles at an accessible price.

For this reason, I feel blessed and privileged to encourage you to support the Baptist Spanish Publishing House, and there are several ways of doing it:

1. Pray for this ministry.

2. Support this ministry by purchasing their materials.

3. Support this ministry economically, giving others more opportunities to serve.

4. Be a promoter of this beautiful ministry by recommending its products.

5. Give a book published by this ministry as a gift.

6. I also invite you to buy at least one Bible and give it to someone who does not have one of their own.

Let us share with others the blessing that God gives us.

—Bea P. Mesquías

Executive Director/Treasurer of Unión Femenil Misionera of Texas


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