The current BSPH Foundation Board is made up of 7 men and women from California, Texas, Tennessee, and Mexico. Officers include a President and Vice-President and a non-voting Treasurer. In 2018, these leaders will meet in March and August in the DFW area.
“To obtain resources for the communication of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Hispanic peoples of the world through the Baptist Spanish Publishing House.”
Since 2001 our donors have inspired us, blessed us, and enabled us to make financial contributions to the Baptist Spanish Publishing House as they continue to produce the very best Bible-based resources at the most economical prices. We could not exist without faithful donors.
This year the Foundation provided funds that enabled the Publishing House to reduce the price and produce these resources:
Nuestro Dios es maravilloso (Our God is Awsome), Tony Evans
Más allá del espejo (Beyond the Mirror), Yani Gutierrez
Haz más y mejor (Do More Better), Tim Challies
Sorprendido por el sufrimiento (Surprised by Suffering), R. C. Sproul
No hay otro (None Other), John MacArthur
La reforma protestante (Protestant Reformation), by Latin American authors
El mundo religioso latinoamericano (The Latin American Religious World)
Nuevos dramas para días especiales (New dramas for special days), Cristina K. Sokoluk
El verdadero discipulado (True Discipleship), Luis & Irma Aranguren
Guillermo Carey (William Carey), illustrated biography by Ben Alex, for children and youth
Hudson Taylor, illustrated biography by Ben Alex, for children and youth
Noé (Noah), Illustrated book for children
1. As you read this newsletter and become more and more familiar with the work and needs of the Publishing House, tell your friends about the BSPH to help us spread the word about this important work. If you know of friends who would benefit from receiving this newsletter, send their contact information to: bsphfoundation@editorialmh.org
2. As you become more familiar with the work and needs of the Publishing House, begin to pray regularly that God will continue to bless their mission and ministry. Pray for General Director Raquel Contreras and her dedicated staff, and every step along the way as they produce materials. Pray for those found all around the Hispanic world who will receive and use the resources.
3. As you read, learn, and tell others, pray about what you can do to support the work financially. You read in the donor section on this page the number of donors who already give. Some may want to increase the amount they give or the number of times each year they give. Without the faithfulness of donors, the work (and the number of people reached) will be limited.
—Sylvia DeLoach
BSPH Member