During a presentation of the new Hispanic World Study Bible at First Baptist Church, El Paso, Texas, one lady responded with this comment: “I want to buy this Bible for brother Joe who works as chief of security for our church.”
A little while later, Joe Hugarte came to the meeting and received that Bible as a gift. But the story he told really impressed me. Joe goes twice each week after work to the Social Readaptation Center (“Cereso”) in Juárez, Mexico to share the message of salvation with the inmates. Joe told me he had already taken one Hispanic World Study Bible to a person there, and now would take that one. He said, “This is the only library these people have.” In reality, the biblical text and countless helps this Bible provides have been transformed into the best study text for them.
How marvelous it would be to be able to deliver the Hispanic World Study Bible to jails in all Spanish speaking countries!
– Raquel Contreras
General Director, Baptist Spanish Publishing House