How far? Not in terms of feet and inches, but rather of continents and countries. Few people realize that the Baptist Spanish Publishing House reaches to the “ends of the earth” by publishing and shipping Spanish language Bibles, Gospel portions, teaching and discipleship materials, Christian music and devotional resources.
How far? During 2014, BSPH materials were shipped to five continents and at least forty countries where Spanish speaking populations live and work. None of us know exactly how many people have real hope for the first time in their lives, how many trust Jesus and see their lives changed by the power of the Holy Spirit, how many families are rescued from tragic breakups, how many children react with joy as their Moms and Dads turn to Jesus and commit themselves to raise their children with the love of God, how many countless thousands grow as disciples by studying their Bibles and living out their faith, how many churches are established, how many pastors are trained . . . .(You get the idea!)
How far can you reach this year? To five continents and at least forty countries by joining hands with the Foundation as we minister to Spanish speaking people wherever they live. Pray for us and help us accomplish this task for God’s glory by sending a contribution to the BSPH Foundation, 7000 Alabama, El Paso, TX 79904.